
Sage is a savory seasoning for poultry, pork, winter squash, pear and apple dishes, cheeses, stews, and chowders.

Antiviral and astringent, sage has long been used as a healing herb. Sage leaf rubbed on unhealthy gums will help tighten and disinfect. Sage tea is a delicious remedy for sore throats, will help with menopausal hot flashes and assist nursing Moms when weaning off breastfeeding. Sage is high in bio-available calcium and trace nutrients and helps the digestive system deal with fatty foods.

Legend has it that where a vigorous sage plant grew, the woman ruled the house. Go sage! It is an easy to grow perennial, a must for every herb garden. Put it in a sunny spot and don’t overwater and enjoy this useful, beautiful plant.

Now is the time to harvest your sage. Cut the stems, bind with a rubber band and hang upside down until dry. Store the whole stem and leaves in a glass jar and keep in a cool, dark place and be ready for those winter nasties with a steaming cup of sage tea.

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