The Herb Blurb – January 2022

Happy New Year to you! Would be lovely to say we are leaving all the problems of 2021 behind, but it seems several of them are bleeding, some quite literally, into 2022. The pandemic, mass shootings, environmental devastation, and social divisions still seem to be in full roar. That said, we have new solutions, progress is being made though not so widely publicized, and the world awaits our attention and involvement.

What will you do this year? Instead of a long list of resolutions you are loathed to truly commit to and have forgotten by February, take the pressure off and think of one or two things you can wholeheartedly embrace.

How are you progressing, learning, growing? What depletes your motivation and energy? What brings you joy? Start there. Consider one action that would improve your life. A yoga class, a business plan, a daily walk, a morning smoothie. No one but you can change your life and one small action daily can yield amazing rewards. Some books I like for ideas are Atomic Habits by James Clear, Someday is Not a Day in the Week by Sam Horn, and anything by Wayne Muller, my favorite of his being Sabbath.
Don’t resign yourself to a mediocre life. You deserve so much better than that and only you can provide it.

Upcoming Classes!

Art of Pressed Flowers, Denver Botanic Gardens

Art of Pressed Flowers, Denver Botanic Gardens,

Saturday, January 29, 9:30 to noon. SOLD OUT,
Can't wait for spring flowers? Spend an enjoyable morning creating your own masterpieces with gorgeous pressed flowers. We will make beautiful floral bookmarks, unique cards and a lovely botanical dipped candle to take home. Learn the best flowers to grow for future projects, and how to press for optimal color, durability, and long life. Handout and all materials provided.

Nourishing Self-Care Mini Retreat and Workshop

Spring Self Renewal Mini Retreat and Luncheon,

Saturday, February 12, 10am to 2pm, $100, $92 member.
It's a new year and time for renewal and rejuvenation. Take some time off to discover herbal tonics, health-boosting superfoods, and pure and natural skin products you can make yourself. Learn simple self-care practices to regain balance and vibrant health. Bring home a soothing skin salve, a cleansing face mask and toner, and a tonic tea, along with recipes and lots of new ideas for becoming your best self. Extensive handout, superfoods lunch, and all materials included. Treat yourself and begin anew!

Fun Things to Do!

New Years – With the omicron virus in full swing and a snow storm coming in, I’m guessing celebrations will be muted. Here are some offerings, expect to wear masks and show proof of vaccination.

National Western Stock Show, January 8-23rd

Free Days are backBe sure to make reservations.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science – Monday - 1/3, Sunday - 1/23, Saturday evening – 1/29, 5-9 pm.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave, Golden, Wednesday, 1/5.
Denver Art Museum, Tuesday – 1/11, Saturday – 1/22.
Denver Botanic Gardens – Monday – 1/17.
Denver Zoo – Saturday - 1/22.

The Great Fruitcake Toss, Manitou Springs, Saturday, 1/22, 1-3pm,

Winter Brew Fest, Denver, Saturday, 1/22,

Colorado Farm Show, January 25-27 at Island Grove Park, Greeley,

Herb of the Month – GARLIC

I know I have covered this before, but I feel garlic is the perfect herb for this January with the never-ending covid virus and the health challenges of the winter season.

Garlic has been used for everything from cavities to leprosy. Today it is used to ward off high blood pressure, high cholesterol, colds, flu, and infections among other maladies

Garlic is a member of the allium family, along with chives, onions and leeks. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, potassium, phosphorous, selenium, and amino acids along with antimicrobial and anti-clotting effects.

In clinical studies and trials, it lowered cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. People who eat large quantities of garlic have a lower risk of stomach and bowel cancers.  Garlic has anti-coagulant properties so watch overdoing it if you are on blood thinners or scheduled for surgery.

Raw garlic should be chopped and allowed to sit for 10-15 minutes before cooking to maximize beneficial effects. Garlic contains aliin, a complex sulfur compound that is changed to allicin when crushed. As well as having antibiotic properties, allicin is anti-fungal and has been used for athlete’s foot, jock itch, and yeast infections.

The smell of raw garlic has a tendency to repel friends, lovers, and mosquitoes. The solution? Have them partake also, mosquitoes exempted, or use roasted garlic, which tones down the odor.



Wishing you all a healthy, prosperous, and adventurous New Year.

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