Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, great for the cardiovascular and immune system garlic is a true superfood. Make a couple extra and have on hand for garlic butter or to add to other dishes.
- whole garlic heads (bulbs), do at least 2-3
- extra virgin olive oil
- dried herbs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the garlic head in half on the widest part of the bulb, exposing the cloves. Put the cut garlic head in a piece of aluminum foil covered with an equal piece of parchment paper. Pour olive oil over the cut cloves, add some dried herbs, I like thyme and rosemary, put the 2 halves back together and wrap in the parchment-covered aluminum foil. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour or until cloves are soft throughout. Allow garlic to cool and squeeze out cloves for use. Good with almost anything other than desserts. Soups, stews, pizza, salad dressings, sauces, etc. etc. It is the first thing I eat when I feel a cold coming on. I spread a piece of toast with butter and several cloves of roasted garlic. Delicious!

Roasted Garlic Recipe
- 2-3 whole garlic heads(bulbs), do at least 2-3.
- extra virgin olive oil
- dried herbs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the garlic head inhalf on the widest part of the bulb, exposing the cloves. Put the cut garlichead in a piece of aluminum foil covered with an equal piece of parchmentpaper. Pour olive oil over the cut cloves, add some dried herbs, I like thymeand rosemary, put the 2 halves back together and wrap in the parchment-coveredaluminum foil. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour or until cloves are softthroughout. Allow garlic to cool and squeeze out cloves for use. Good with almostanything other than desserts. Soups, stews, pizza, salad dressings,sauces, etc. etc. It is the first thing I eat when I feel a cold coming on. Ispread a piece of toast with butter and several cloves of roasted garlic.Delicious!