Roasted Garlic & Garlic Spread

Roasted Garlic

  • garlic_rosatedwhole garlic heads (bulbs) do at least 2-3.
  • olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice off the pointed top of the garlic bulb, down about a ½ inch, exposing the cloves. Put the garlic head in a small ovenproof dish. Pour olive oil over the top of each bulb and let it sink in between the cloves.  Cover and bake 45 minutes – 1 hour or until cloves are browned at the exposed end and soft throughout. Allow garlic to cool and squeeze out cloves to use.

Garlic Spread

  • Roasted garlic
  • Butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Bring butter to room temperature. Squeeze out roasted garlic and mash well with fork. Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Use in place of butter for a delicious, healthy boost.



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