- Egg white powder diluted according to directions. Called Just Whites in the baking section of the grocery store.
- Small paintbrush
- Small bowl of extra fine sugar (To make this you can put regular sugar in a blender and process. If you process too much you get powdered sugar.)
- Edible leaves and blossoms for crystallizing, chocolate mint leaves are my favorite.
A few hours before you plan to do this, or the night before, go out in the garden and lightly spray off whatever you intend to crystallize. When you are ready to crystallize, set out all your ingredients and accouterments and pick your flowers or leaves.
Using your brush, apply diluted egg white to a leaf or blossom, coating well. Sprinkle all sides with sugar, shake off extra, and dry on a wax or parchment paper lined baking tray. Once completely dry, (about 3-5 days here in Colorado), carefully peel off, layer in wax paper in a storage container and store in a cool, dark place. Use crystallized flowers to decorate cakes, tarts, fruit salads and more. Great summer activity for the kids.
Crystallized Leaves and Flowers
Author Susan Evans, Certified Clinical Herbalist
- Egg white powder diluted according to directions. Called Just Whites in the baking section of the grocery store.
- Small paintbrush
- Small bowl of extra fine sugar To make this you can put regular sugar in a blender and process. If you process too much you get powdered sugar.
- Edible leaves and blossoms for crystallizing chocolate mint leaves are my favorite.
A few hours before you plan to do this, or the night before, go out in the garden and lightly spray off whatever you intend to crystallize. When you are ready to crystallize, set out all your ingredients and accouterments and pick your flowers or leaves.
Using your brush, apply diluted egg white to a leaf or blossom, coating well. Sprinkle all sides with sugar, shake off extra, and dry on a wax or parchment paper lined baking tray. Once completely dry, (about 3-5 days here in Colorado), carefully peel off, layer in wax paper in a storage container and store in a cool, dark place. Use crystallized flowers to decorate cakes, tarts, fruit salads and more. Great summer activity for the kids.