Slow Roasted Tomatoes

Slow Roasted Tomatoes

tomatoGood recipe if you have bowls of harvested tomatoes on your counter. You can freeze and use later. Also great for giving some flavor to those bland winter tomatoes. Use on pizzas, in sauces, soups, stews and casseroles, anywhere you want a concentrated tomato flavor.

Preheat oven to 275. Cut fresh tomatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl. Season with a pinch of sugar, olive oil, salt, pepper, minced garlic cloves and dried herbs of choice. The garden blend above is great on this. Toss gently. Place tomatoes on a rimmed cookie sheet, in a single layer, and drizzle with any leftover oil. Roast 2-3 hours for regular tomatoes, 45 minutes for cherry tomatoes, until soft and sweet.

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